পূবালী ব্যাংক লিমিটেড এ জুনিয়র অফিসার (ক্যাশ) পদে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান ২০১২ Pubali Bank Limited Job Recruitment Exam Question and Answer for Junior Officer (Cash) 2012
পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ ১৬/০৩/২০১২
বাংলা অংশ
১. বিপরীতার্থখ শব্দ কোনটি? ‘ঊষর’
✕ বিফল
✕ রপ্তানি
✕ প্রতিদান
✔ উর্বর
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
২. বিপরীতার্থখ শব্দ কোনটি? ‘ঋজু’
✕ সুপ্ত
✕ শান্ত
✔ বক্র
✕ লাঘব
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
৩. বিপরীতার্থখ শব্দ কোনটি? ‘কৃশ’
✕ সাধু
✔ স্থুল
✕ মসৃণ
✕ হ্রস্ব
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
৪. বিপরীতার্থখ শব্দ কোনটি? ‘ হৃদ্য’
✔ ঘৃণা
✕ অহৃদ্য
✕ অবহেলা
✕ বিরক্ত
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
৫. বিপরীতার্থখ শব্দ কোনটি? ‘বিরক্ত’
✕ বিমুগ্ধ
✔ প্রসন্ন
✕ অনুরক্ত
✕ আনন্দিত
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
৬. বিপরীতার্থখ শব্দ কোনটি? ‘বিরক্ত’
✕ বিমুগ্ধ
✔ প্রসন্ন
✕ অনুরক্ত
✕ আনন্দিত
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
৭. কোনটি প্রতিশব্দ নয়? ‘নরেন্দ্র’
✕ রাজা
✕ ভূপাল
✔ কিরণমালী
✕ নৃপ
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
৮. ‘নিকেতন’
✕ গৃহ
✕ আগার
✔ নিবিড়
✕ বাঢী
✕ কোনো্টিই নয়
৯. ‘কামিনী’
✕ ভামিনী
✕ সীমন্তিনী
✕ নারী
✔ আত্মজ
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
১০. ‘লক্ষ্য’
✕ গন্তব্য
✕ মনজিল
✕ অভীষ্ট
✔ জটিল পথ
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
১১. ‘হস্তী’
✕ কুঞ্জর
✕ মাতঙ্গ
✔ বিহঙ্গ
✕ দ্বিপ
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
১২. ধাতু কত প্রকার?
✕ ২
✔ ৩
✕ ৪
✕ ৫
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
১৩. ‘আমার ভাত খওয়া হইলো না ‘ । কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি ?
✕ কর্তৃকারকে দ্বিতীয়া
✕ সম্প্রদান কারকে সপ্তমী
✕ কর্তৃকারকে চতুর্থী
✔ কর্মে শূন্য
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
১৪. নির্ভুল বানান নয়-
✔ নিবাত
✕ পরিপক্ব
✕ পল্লল
✕ বন্দন
✕ যাচঞা
১৫. ‘বৃক্ষটি সূলসহ উৎপাটিত হয়েছে।’ – বাক্যটির শুদ্ধরুপ কোনটি?
✕ বৃক্ষটি সমূলসহ উৎপাটিত হয়েছে
✕ বৃক্ষটি সমূল উৎপাটিত হয়েছে
✕ বৃক্ষটি মূলসহ উৎপাটিত হয়েছে
✔ খ ও গ উভয়ই
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
১৬. ‘এমন অসহ্যনীয় ব্যথা আমি কখন ও অনুভব করি নাই’। – বাক্যটির শুদ্ধরুপ কোনটি?
✔ এমন অসহ্য ব্যথা আমি আর কখন ও অনুভব করি নাই
✕ এমন অসহ্যনীয় ব্যথা আমি আর কখন ও অনুভব করি নাই
✕ এমন অসহ্যহীন ব্যথা আমি আর কখন ও অনুভব করি নাই
✕ ক ওগ উভয়ই
✕ কোনোটিই নয়
১৭. স্বরসঙ্গতির উদাহরণ কোনটি?
✕ হইবে> হবে
✕ রাত্রি> রাইত
✔ দেশী> দিশী
✕ জালিয়া > জাইল্যা< জেলে ✕ কোনোটিই নয় [sc name="ad3"][/sc] ১৮. নিচের কোনটি যৌগিক স্বরধ্বনি ? ✕ অ ✕ আ ✔ ঐ ✕ ঈ ✕ কোনোটিই নয় ১৯. বিভক্তিহীন নাম শব্দকে কি বলে? ✕ বিশেষ্য ✕ সমাস ✕ অব্যয় ✔ প্রাতিপাদিক ✕ কোনোটিই নয় ২০. নিচের কোনটি পর্তুগিজ শব্দ ? ✔ গুদাম ✕ কুপন ✕ চাহিদা ✕ চাকর ✕ কোনোটিই নয় ২১. এক কথায় প্রকাশ কর - 'অনেকের মধ্যে এক' - ✕ অবিসংবাদিত ✕ অবীরা ✕ অনিন্দ্য ✔ অন্যতম ✕ কোনোটিই নয় ২২. সঠিক অর্থ কোনটি? 'শাঁখের করাত' - ✕ ভয়ংকর বস্তু ✔ দুদিকেই বিপদ ✕ আসন্ন বিপদ ✕ শুভ সংবাদ ✕ কোনোটিই নয় ২৩. সূর্য এর প্রতিশব্দ নয়- ✕ দিবাকর ✕ বিভাবসু ✔ হিমকর ✕ নিদকর ✕ কোনোটিই নয় ২৪. ' ও আমার দেশের মাটি , তোমার ' পরে ঠেকাই মাথা'- পংক্তিটির লেখক কে? ✕ দীনবন্ধু মিত্র ✔ রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর ✕ দ্বিজেন্দ্রলাল রায় ✕ কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম ✕ অতুল প্রসাদ [sc name="ad4"][/sc]
ইংরেজি অংশ
✕ Reveal
✕ Discover
✔ Display
✕ conceal
✕ None of these
✕ Gratifying
✔ Free
✕ Gracious
✕ Subscribe
✕ Timely
✕ Mental
✕ Guide
✕ Musc
✕ Oracle
✔ Motivator
✕ Pompous
✕ Clever
✕ Cunning
✕ Devious
✔ None of these
✔ Ambiguous
✕ Obstacle
✕ Confusing
✕ Valorous
✕ None of these
✕ Unintentional
✕ Innocuous
✕ Accidental
✔ Intentional
✕ None of them
✕ Superb
✕ Amazing
✔ Disgraceful
✕ Wonderful
✕ None of these
✕ willful
✕ inept
✕ Adept
✕ Feasible
✔ None of these
✔ Delay
✕ Frugal
✕ Debauchery
✕ Hesitant
✕ None of them
✕ Abhor
✕ condemn
✕ Blame
✔ Deplore
✕ None of them
11. Select the correctly spelt word.
✕ Unceremonous
✕ Uncerimonious
✕ Unseremonious
✔ Unceremonious
✕ Unserimonious
12. Select the correctly spelt word.
✔ Superior
✕ Superour
✕ Superrior
✕ Supperior
✕ Superriuor
13. Select the correctly spelt word.
✕ Elemantary
✕ Elimentary
✔ Elementary
✕ Alementary
✕ Elementory
14. Select the correctly spelt word.
✕ Arbitariness
✔ Arbitrariness
✕ Arbitrainess
✕ Arbritariness
✕ Arbitratines
15. Select the correctly spelt word.
✕ Indegenous
✕ Indiginous
✕ Indigenus
✔ Indigenous
✕ Endigenous
16. It — since early morning .
✕ is raining
✕ rained
✕ was raining
✔ has been raining
✕ None of these
17. After the hurricane , uprooted trees — all over the ground.
✕ were laying
✔ were lying
✕ were laid
✕ was laid
✕ was lying
18. After it was repaired , it — again.
✕ ran perfect
✕ could run perfect
✕ run perfect
✔ ran perfectly
✕ runs perfect
19. Her colleagues expected —- the job.
✕ she got
✕ her to get
✕ that she getting
✕ her getting
✔ None of these
20. They are very kind to me. They treat me — their own son.
✕ like I am
✔ as if I were
✕ as if I am
✕ as if I are
✕ None of these
✕ cow : milk
✕ camel : desert
✕ bee: honey
✔ egg : oval
✕ None of these
✕ science : fees
✕ petrology:transportation
✔ biology: life system
✕ graphology: law
✕ None of these
✕ student :fees
✕ orange : price
✕ company: profit
✔ chaiman : parliament
✕ None of these
✕ immovable : choice
✕ intolerable: defect
✔ irreversible : cure
✕ Infallible : error
✕ None of these
✕ triangle : hexagon
✕ trapezoid :quadrangle
✔ circle: sphere
✕ addition: subtraction
✕ None of these
গণিত অংশ
১. A watch was sold at 15% loss. If the selling price was Tk 8 more , then the seller could have made a profit of 10% what was the purchase price of that watch?
✕ 45
✔ 32
✕ 36
✕ 30
✕ None of these
২. what past of an hour elapses between 11:40 a. m. and 12: 20 p.m. ?
✔ 2/3
✕ 1/2
✕ 4/5
✕ 1/6
✕ None of these
৩. If A is 4/6 of B and B is 6/8 of C, what is the ratio of C:A?
✕ 1 : 1
✕ 4: 3
✔ 2 : 1
✕ 1 : 2
✕ None of these
৪. A farmer had 20 hens. All but 2 died. How many hens are still alive?
✔ 2
✕ 10
✕ 15
✕ 18
✕ 20
৫. Out of total profit, A gets 40% , B 25% , C 20% , D 10% and E 5% . A’s profit is what percentage of that of B?
✕ 150%
✔ 160%
✕ 400%
✕ 200%
✕ None of these
৬. If A and B are positive and A > B which of the following is true?
✕ 5- A> 6-B
✔ -B/a> -A/B
✕ 6 -A > 6- B
✕ 1/A> 1/B
✕ None of these
৭. Divide 60 by half and deduct twenty . what do you get?
✕ 120
✔ 100
✕ 60
✕ 30
✕ 10
৮. per day wage rate of workers is reduced 50% due to economic slow down. After one year ,the wage rate is increased by 60% . If the per day wage rate before the decrease was Tk.. 100, then what is the per da y wage rate Now?
✕ 90
✕ 100
✕ 60
✔ 80
✕ None of these
৯. Mr. Salam deposited Tk. 800 in a Bank at 15% annual compound interest rate. At the end of the second year, the total amount including the interest will be .
✕ 850
✕ 900
✕ 1025
✔ 1058
✕ None of these
১০. Sum of the two numbers is 21 and their difference is 7 . what is the half of the greater number?
✔ 7
✕ 6
✕ 9
✕ 12
✕ None of these
১১. you can now buy 5 more Oranges with Tk. 75 due to reduction in rice by 20 percent Calculate the current price of one dozen of Oranges.
✕ 24
✕ 30
✔ 36
✕ 32
✕ None of these
১২. In a sugar -water solution , the ratio of water to sugar is 8: 3 . If you add 2 kgs of sugar, the ratio becomes 2 :1 what was the amount of sugar in the original solution ?
✕ 4.5
✕ 5
✕ 8
✔ 6
✕ None of these
১৩. The average of 6 number is 9 , when one number is discarded the average of the remaining numbers becomes 7.2 . What is the discarded number?
✕ 7.8
✔ 18
✕ 15
✕ 12.4
✕ None of these
১৪. In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls.
✕ y / (x +y)
✕ x / xy
✔ x / ( x +y)
✕ y/ xy
✕ None of these
১৫. Karm can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. Rahim can type 2 pages in 10 minutes Working together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes?
✕ 15
✕ 20
✕ 25
✕ 65
✔ 75
১৬. If the length and width of a rectangular garden plot were each increased by 20 percent , what would be the percent increase in the area of the plot?
✕ 20%
✕ 24%
✕ 36%
✕ 40%
✔ 44%
১৭. x = 2y +3 and y= -2 , Quantity A =x and Quantity B = -1
✕ Quantity A is greater
✕ Quantity B greater
✔ The two quantities are equal
✕ The relationship cannot be determined from the information given
✕ None of these
১৮. If a and b are positive integers and (a -b) /3.5 – 4/7 , then
✔ b< a ✕ b>a
✕ b =a
✕ b>=a
✕ None of these
১৯. If n and p are both odd numbers , which of the following must be an even number?
✕ np + 2
✔ n + p
✕ n + p +1
✕ np
✕ none of these
২০. If b< 2 and 2x - 3b =0 , which of the following must be true? ✕ X> -3
✕ X < 2 ✕ X= 3 ✔ X> 3
✕ None of these
সাধারণ জ্ঞান অংশ
১. which of the following countries is not land -locked?
✕ Afghanistan
✕ Lesotho
✔ Jamaica
✕ Mongolia
✕ Bhutan
২. which is the largest desert in the world?
✕ Gobi
✔ shahara
✕ Thar
✕ Kalahari
✕ None of these
৩. which one is not an island country ?
✕ Nepal
✔ Maldives
✕ Sri Lanka
✕ Iceland
✕ None of these
৪. what does ISO stand for ?
✔ International Organization for Standardization
✕ International Organization for secularization
✕ International Organization for Seismology
✕ International Organization for Solidarity
✕ None of them
৫. The Author of the book The Time Machine is–
✕ Lewis carroll
✕ Robert Louis stevenson
✕ Charles Lamb
✔ H.G. wells
✕ None of them
৬. which is the second Largest country in the world by area?
✕ Russia
✕ china
✔ Canada
✕ None of these
৭. Bangladesh is not a member of which of the following organization ?
✕ World Bank
✔ None of these
৮. who was the first finance minister of Bangladesh?
✕ Sifur Rahman
✕ A.M.A Muhith
✔ Rajuddin Ahmed
✕ M. syeduzzaman
✕ None of these
৯. The word “Lunar’ is related to —
✔ Moon
✕ sun
✕ Earth
✕ Light
✕ None of these
১০. ‘Meteorology’ is the science of —
✔ Weather
✕ Meteors
✕ Metals
✕ Earthquakes
✕ None of these
১১. ‘ Rickshaw’ was first introduced in –
✕ Bangladesh
✕ Pakistan
✕ India
✔ Japan
✕ None of these
১২. which country is the largest importer of Bangladeshi products?
✕ India
✕ Singapore
✕ Germany
✕ None of these
১৩. NATO stands for
✕ North American Treaty Organization
✕ North American Trade Organization
✔ North Atlantic Treaty Organization
✕ North Atlantic Trade Organization
✕ None of these
১৪. How many matches were played in T 20 BPL Tournament 2012?
✔ 33
✕ 30
✕ 25
✕ 31
✕ 40
১৫. In which year was the World Bank is in —
✕ New York
✕ Geneva
✔ Washington D.C
✕ Vienna
✕ Oslo
১৬. which is the smallest country in Asia by Population?
✕ Nepal
✕ Bhutan
✔ Maldives
✕ Thailand
✕ None of these
১৭. The present governor of Bangladesh Bank is–
✕ Md. Ruhul Amin
✕ Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin
✕ Dr. Saleh Uddin Ahmed
✕ Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed
✔ Dr. Atiur Rahman
১৮. The SAARC Secretariat is situated in —
✕ Dhaka
✕ Islamabad
✔ kathamandu
✕ New Delhi
✕ Colombo
১৯. Which utility program could improve the speed of dish?
✕ Fragmentation
✔ Defragmentation
✕ Disk scanning
✕ system restore
✕ None of them
২০. The meaning of SAFTA is
✕ SAARC Free Trading Arrangement
✕ SAARC Free Tariff Agreement
✔ South Asian Free Trade Area
✕ South Asian Free Tariff Agreement
✕ None of these
২১. which of the following countries is not land -locked?
✕ Afghanistan
✕ Lesotho
✔ Jamaica
✕ Mongolia
✕ Bhutan
২২. which is the largest desert in the world?
✕ Gobi
✔ shahara
✕ Thar
✕ Kalahari
✕ None of these
২৩. which one is not an island country ?
✕ Nepal
✔ Maldives
✕ Sri Lanka
✕ Iceland
✕ None of these
২৪. what does ISO stand for ?
✔ International Organization for Standardization
✕ International Organization for secularization
✕ International Organization for Seismology
✕ International Organization for Solidarity
✕ None of them
২৫. The Author of the book The Time Machine is–
✕ Lewis carroll
✕ Robert Louis stevenson
✕ Charles Lamb
✔ H.G. wells
✕ None of them
২৬. which is the second Largest country in the world by area?
✕ Russia
✕ china
✔ Canada
✕ None of these
২৭. Bangladesh is not a member of which of the following organization ?
✕ World Bank
✔ None of these
২৮. who was the first finance minister of Bangladesh?
✕ Sifur Rahman
✕ A.M.A Muhith
✔ Rajuddin Ahmed
✕ M. syeduzzaman
✕ None of these
২৯. The word “Lunar’ is related to —
✔ Moon
✕ sun
✕ Earth
✕ Light
✕ None of these
৩০. ‘Meteorology’ is the science of —
✔ Weather
✕ Meteors
✕ Metals
✕ Earthquakes
✕ None of these
৩১. ‘ Rickshaw’ was first introduced in –
✕ Bangladesh
✕ Pakistan
✕ India
✔ Japan
✕ None of these
৩২. which country is the largest importer of Bangladeshi products?
✕ India
✕ Singapore
✕ Germany
✕ None of these
৩৩. NATO stands for
✕ North American Treaty Organization
✕ North American Trade Organization
✔ North Atlantic Treaty Organization
✕ North Atlantic Trade Organization
✕ None of these
৩৪. How many matches were played in T 20 BPL Tournament 2012?
✔ 33
✕ 30
✕ 25
✕ 31
✕ 40
৩৫. In which year was the World Bank is in —
✕ New York
✕ Geneva
✔ Washington D.C
✕ Vienna
✕ Oslo
৩৬. which is the smallest country in Asia by Population?
✕ Nepal
✕ Bhutan
✔ Maldives
✕ Thailand
✕ None of these
৩৭. The present governor of Bangladesh Bank is–
✕ Md. Ruhul Amin
✕ Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin
✕ Dr. Saleh Uddin Ahmed
✕ Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed
✔ Dr. Atiur Rahman
৩৮. The SAARC Secretariat is situated in —
✕ Dhaka
✕ Islamabad
✔ kathamandu
✕ New Delhi
✕ Colombo
৩৯. Which utility program could improve the speed of dish?
✕ Fragmentation
✔ Defragmentation
✕ Disk scanning
✕ system restore
✕ None of them
৪০. The meaning of SAFTA is
✕ SAARC Free Trading Arrangement
✕ SAARC Free Tariff Agreement
✔ South Asian Free Trade Area
✕ South Asian Free Tariff Agreement
✕ None of these