পুলিশ পদে চাকরি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি – রচনামূলক লেখার দক্ষতা (Writing Skills)
Police Job Test Practice Questions – Writing Skills
বাংলাদেশ পুলিশ (Bangladesh Police) বাংলাদেশের প্রধান অসামরিক আইন-শৃঙ্খলা রক্ষাকারী সংস্থা। সংস্থাটি বাংলাদেশ সরকারের স্বরাষ্ট্র মন্ত্রণালয় কর্তৃক নিয়ন্ত্রিত।
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Writing Skills Sample Questions
Question-1: The following paragraph is missing three or four words or phrases.
For each missing word or phrase, choose the best option out of the four answer choices.
Effective immediately: police officers shall obey all __Q1___ orders given by a superior officer. If an order is not understood, it is the ___Q2___ of the officer to obtain clarification from the superior officer. Officers who are given orders which appear unlawful or in conflict with previously issued orders, rules, or regulations shall respectfully inform the superior officer who ___Q3 __ the conflicting order. The superior officer will then assume responsibility for the conflicting order. If the superior officer does not alter or retract the conflicting order, the officer shall promptly obey the order.
Question: What is the word missing in Q1?
A. light
B. faux
C. lawful
D. dry
Ques-2: The following paragraph is missing three or four words or phrases.
For each missing word or phrase, choose the best option out of the four answer choices.
Effective immediately: police officers shall obey all __Q1___ orders given by a superior officer. If an order is not understood, it is the ___Q2___ of the officer to obtain clarification from the superior officer. Officers who are given orders which appear unlawful or in conflict with previously issued orders, rules, or regulations shall respectfully inform the superior officer who ___Q3 __ the conflicting order. The superior officer will then assume responsibility for the conflicting order. If the superior officer does not alter or retract the conflicting order, the officer shall promptly obey the order.
Question: What is the word missing in Q2?
A. enjoyment
B. responsibility
C. job
D. property
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The following paragraph is missing three or four words or phrases.
For each missing word or phrase, choose the best option out of the four answer choices.
Effective immediately: police officers shall obey all __Q1___ orders given by a superior officer. If an order is not understood, it is the ___Q2___ of the officer to obtain clarification from the superior officer. Officers who are given orders which appear unlawful or in conflict with previously issued orders, rules, or regulations shall respectfully inform the superior officer who ___Q3 __ the conflicting order. The superior officer will then assume responsibility for the conflicting order. If the superior officer does not alter or retract the conflicting order, the officer shall promptly obey the order.
Question: What is the word missing in Q3?
A. issued
B. described
C. forfeited
D. acknowledged
The following sentence has one or two words missing.
Choose the answer choice which provides the best options to fill the gaps.
The detective ordered the police officer to ______ his behavior.
A. altar
B. alter
C. retain
D. exchange
The following sentence has one or two words missing.
Choose the answer choice which provides the best options to fill the gaps.
A grand jury has ________ not to _______ Police Officer Jake Summers in the death of Mike Chang
A. decided, entice
B. ruled, endikt
C. jury, convict
D. decided, indict
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