পূবালী ব্যাংক লিমিটেড এ সিনিয়র অফিসার পদে নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন ও সমাধান ২০১৩ Pubali Bank Limited Job Exam Question and Answer for Senior Officer 2013
Exam Date: 31.05.2013
বাংলা অংশ
১. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
✕ বৃৎপত্তি
✕ ব্যূৎপত্তি
✔ ব্যুৎপত্তি
✕ বুৎপত্তি
✕ কোনটিই নয়
২. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
✕ জাজ্জ্বল্যমান
✕ জাজ্জল্যমান
✕ জাজ্জ্বল্যমাণ
✔ জজ্বল্যমান
✕ কোনটিই নয়
৩. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
✔ প্রনষ্ট
✕ প্রনষ্ট
✕ প্রণষ্ট
✕ প্রণষ্ট
✕ কোনটিই নয়
৪. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
✕ জোতির্ময়
✔ জ্যোতির্ময়
✕ জোতির্স্ময়
✕ জ্যোর্তিন্ময়
✕ কোনটিই নয়
৫. কোনটি শুদ্ধ বানান?
✕ উৎশৃঙ্খল
✕ উংথশৃংখল
✔ উচ্চৃঙ্খল
✕ উচ্চৃংঙ্খল
✕ কোনটিই নয়
৬. প্রতিশব্দ কোনটি? ‘প্রল্বল’
✕ পদ্মপাতা
✔ ডোবা
✕ পাপড়ি
✕ তরঙ্গ
✕ কোনটিই নয়
৭. ‘ব্রততী’
✕ ধার্মিক
✕ দৃঢ়প্রতিজ্ঞ
✔ লতা
✕ লজ্জাবতী
✕ কোনটিই নয়
৮. ‘প্রীণন’
✔ প্রীতিসম্পাদন
✕ নির্যাতন
✕ দোহন
✕ পলায়ন
✕ কোনটিই নয়
৯. ‘সিত’
✕ শীত
✕ অন্ধকার
✕ বস্ত্র
✔ শুক্ল
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১০. ‘শিলীমুখ’
✔ ভ্রমর
✕ গুহা
✕ চুলো
✕ তীক্ষ্ণ পাথর
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১১. সমার্থক শব্দগুচ্ছ নির্ণয় করুন
✔ বাজী, তুরঙ্গম, ভুজঙ্গ
✕ সর্বভুক ,কৃশানু , বৈশ্বানর
✕ তমঃ তমিস্র , শুক্ল
✕ কুটুম্ব, আগন্তুক , অনাহূত
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১২. সমার্থক শব্দগুচ্ছ নির্ণয় করুন
✕ পিক, কলকণ্ঠ, পারাবত
✕ কজ্জল, অঞ্জল, মালিন্য
✕ অলিক , অদৃষ্ট , কপোল
✔ ঊর্মি, বীচি , হিল্লোল
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১৩. সমার্থক শব্দগুচ্ছ নির্ণয় করুন
✔ বুধ, বিজ্ঞ, মনীষী
✕ নগ, নাগ, অদ্রি
✕ অশনি , কুলিশ প্রসূন
✕ অটবী, বিপিন, মারুত
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১৪. সমার্থক নয় এমন শব্দগুচ্ছ শনাক্ত করুন
✕ অম্বর , ব্যোম , শূন্য
✔ বিভূ, বিশ্বপতি, নিশানাথ
✕ কেশব, গোপাল, জনার্দন
✕ মঙ্গল, কল্যাণ, শুভদ
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১৫. সমার্থক নয় এমন শব্দগুচ্ছ শনাক্ত করুন
✔ কুক্কুর, কুক্কুট , সারমেয়
✕ জায়া, ভার্যা , সহধতর্মিণী
✕ অরবিন্দ, কুবলয়, কোকনদ
✕ মার্গ, সরনি, সড়ক
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১৬. ‘দাঁড়ি -মুখে সারি গান -লা শরীক আল্লাহ্ । ‘ – দাঁড়ি -মুখে বলতে বোঝানো হয়েছে:
✕ দ্বার রক্ষকরদের মুখে
✕ দাঁড়িপাল্লা ওয়ালাদের মুখে
✔ মাঝিদের মুখে
✕ শ্মশ্রুমণ্ডিত মুখে
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১৭. ‘মহাভারত’ -এর রচয়িতা কে?
✕ কালিদাস
✕ বাল্মীকি
✕ ভাস
✔ শ্রীকৃষ্ণ দ্বৈপায়ন বেদব্যাস
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১৮. ‘জন্মিলে মরিতে হবে , অমর কে কোথা কবে, চিরস্থির কবে নীর, হায় রে জীবন -নদে? ‘
✕ নবীনচন্দ্র সেন
✔ মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত
✕ কায়কোবাদ
✕ বিহারীলাল চক্রবর্তী
✕ কোনটিই নয়
১৯. ‘মরণ রে , তুঁহু সম শ্যামসমান।’
✕ বিদ্যাপতি
✕ গোবিন্দদাস
✔ ভানুসিংহ ঠাকুর
✕ চণ্ডীদাস
✕ কোনটিই নয়
২০. বিশেষ্য পদ কোনটি?
✕ ভেতো
✔ অভ্যাস
✕ নাব্য
✕ বৈষ্ণব
✕ কোনটিই নয়
২১. বিশেষণ পদ শনাক্ত করুন-
✕ ব্যাকরণ
✕ গো
✕ ঔদার্য
✔ পার্থিব
✕ কোনটিই নয়
২২. নির্ভুল সন্ধি-বিচ্ছেদ –
✕ ক্ষুধা +আর্ত
✕ উছ + স্বাস
✔ শিরঃ +ছেদ
✕ আর্শী + বাদ
✕ কোনটিই নয়
২৩. Constipation –
✕ সংবিধান
✕ নির্বাচনী এলাকা
✕ রুক্ষ
✔ কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্য
✕ কোনটিই নয়
২৪. whirlpool
✔ ঘূর্ণি
✕ ঝড়
✕ প্রলয়
✕ জরাতঙ্ক
✕ কোনটিই নয়
ইংরেজি অংশ
1. At least one of the students — full marks every time.
✕ get
✕ are getting
✔ gets
✕ have got
✕ None of these
2. To save their lives , the sailors had to — the sinking ship.
✕ fill up
✕ keep
✔ abandon
✕ stop
✕ None of these
3. she was– success and eager to create a name for herself .
✕ sated by
✔ impatient for
✕ impassive to
✕ complaining
✕ None of these
4. He advise me — smoking .
✕ giving up
✔ to give up
✕ in giving up
✕ from giving up
✕ None of these
5. He said that he — be unable to come .
✕ will
✕ shall
✕ should
✔ would
✕ None of these
✕ Humirious
✔ Humorous
✕ Humourius
✕ Humirus
✕ None of these
✕ volantory
✕ Volantary
✔ voluntary
✕ voluntory
✕ None of these
✕ Accilerate
✕ Accelarate
✕ Accillarate
✔ Accelerate
✕ None of these
✕ superceed
✔ supersede
✕ superseed
✕ supercede
✕ None of these
✔ Tsunami
✕ tsuname
✕ Tsunamee
✕ Stunami
✕ None of these
✕ Fanciful
✕ Unperdictable
✕ Impulsive
✔ Predictable
✕ None of these
✕ Uprightness
✕ Justice
✕ Integrity
✔ Bias
✕ None of these
✔ Exotic
✕ Rustic
✕ Elegant
✕ Local
✕ None of them
✕ faithful
✕ Insulted
✔ Unfriendly
✕ Indecent
✕ None of these
15. SLY
✕ clever
✕ Detect
✕ Artistic
✔ Artless
✕ None of them
✔ stable : horse
✕ Canal : ship
✕ Bed : River
✕ Lobby : Administrator
✕ None of them
✕ Politics : policy
✕ Sound : Music
✔ Mars : Astronomy
✕ Friend : Family
✕ None of them
✕ Play : Dramatist
✕ Blackboard : Professor
✕ Quarry : Sculpture
✔ Laboratory : Chemist
✕ None of them
✕ cry : Hurt
✔ Angry : shout
✕ clear : cloudy
✕ Laugh : Hate
✕ None of these
20. “pas away” means-
✕ Disappear
✔ Die
✕ Erase
✕ Fall
✕ None of these
21. choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the given work: OMNIPOTENT
✕ Feeble
✕ Impotent
✔ Surreme
✕ Vulnerable
✕ None of these
22. choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence : ‘A song embodying religious and sacred emotions”
✕ Lyric
✕ Ode
✔ Hymn
✕ Ballad
✕ None of these
23. choose the one that best express the meaning of the following idiom: To read between the lines’
✕ to concentrate
✔ to grasp the hidden meaning
✕ to read carefully
✕ To suspect
✕ None of these
24. choose the one that best express the meaning of the following term : whit elephant’
✕ An elephant of white color
✕ a hoarder
✕ Worthless
✔ A very costly or troublesome possesssion
✕ None of them
গণিত অংশ
১. If both x and y are prime numbers, which of the following CANNOT be the product of x and y?
✕ 6
✕ 10
✕ 35
✔ 27
✕ None of these
২. If the length of rectangle A is one -half of the length of rectangle B , and the width of rectangle A is one -half of the width of rectangle B, what is the ratio of the area of rectangle A to the area of rectangle B?
✔ 1/4
✕ 1/2
✕ 1/1
✕ 2/1
✕ None of these
৩. If w is 10% less than x, and y is 30% less than Z, then why is what percent less than xz?
✕ 10%
✕ 20%
✔ 37%
✕ 40%
✕ None of these
৪. A tree increases annually by 1/8 of its height. By how much will it increase after 2 years, if it stands today 64 cm high?
✕ 72 cm
✕ 74 cm
✕ 75 cm
✔ 81 cm
✕ None of these
৫. If both x and y are prime numbers, which of the following CANNOT be the product of x and y?
✕ 6
✕ 10
✕ 35
✔ 27
✕ None of these
৬. If the length of rectangle A is one -half of the length of rectangle B , and the width of rectangle A is one -half of the width of rectangle B, what is the ratio of the area of rectangle A to the area of rectangle B?
✔ 1/4
✕ 1/2
✕ 1/1
✕ 2/1
✕ None of these
৭. If w is 10% less than x, and y is 30% less than Z, then why is what percent less than xz?
✕ 10%
✕ 20%
✔ 37%
✕ 40%
✕ None of these
৮. A tree increases annually by 1/8 of its height. By how much will it increase after 2 years, if it stands today 64 cm high?
✕ 72 cm
✕ 74 cm
✕ 75 cm
✔ 81 cm
✕ None of these
৯. A man loses Tk. 55.50 yearly when the annual rate of interest falls from 11.5% to 10% his capital is:
✔ Tk. 3700
✕ Tk. 7400
✕ Tk. 8325
✕ Tk. 11100
✕ None of these
১০. The population of a certain town increases by 50 percent every 50 years. If the population in 1950 was 810 , in year was the population 160?
✕ 1650
✕ 1700
✔ 1750
✕ 1800
✕ None of these
১১. The average of three Numbers is U. If two numbers are x and y, which is the third number?
✕ xy -u
✕ x/u – y
✕ 3x – u – y
✔ 3 u – x – y
✕ None of them
১২. the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 5: 4: 3 How many degrees are there in the largest angle?
✕ 45
✕ 60
✔ 75
✕ 37.55
✕ None of them
১৩. I f m and p are positive integers and ( m +p) m is even , which of the following must be true?
✕ If m is odd, then p is odd.
✕ If m is odd, then p is even
✔ If m is even , then p is even .
✕ If m is even, then p is odd.
✕ M must be even
১৪. If xy = 2 and xy2= 8 , what is the value of x?
✔ 1/2
✕ 2
✕ 4
✕ 8
✕ 16
১৫. If a +2b= 6 , ab =4 what is 2/a + 1/b ?
✕ 1/2
✕ 1
✔ 3/2
✕ 2
✕ 5/2
১৬. If a and b are integers greater than 100 such that a+b =300 , which of the following could be the exact ratio of a to b?
✕ 9 to 1
✕ 5 to 2
✕ 5 to 3
✕ 4 to 1
✔ 3 to 2
১৭. which of the numbers below is not equivalent to 4% ?
✕ 1/25
✕ 4/100
✔ 0.4
✕ 2/50
✕ None of these
১৮. If two fair coins are flipped, what is the probability that one will come up heads and the other tails?
✔ 1/4
✕ 1/3
✕ 1/2
✕ 3/4
✕ None of these
১৯. At the beginning of a class period, half of the students in a class go to the library. Later in the period, half of the remaining students go to the computer lab. If there are 5 students remaining in the class, how many students were originally in the class?
✕ 12
✕ 16
✕ 24
✔ 32
✕ 40
২০. The number of different signals which can be given form 6 flags of different colours taken one or more at a time is
✕ 1958
✔ 1956
✕ 16
✕ 64
✕ None of these
২১. The number of parallelograms that can be formed from a set of four parallel lines intersecting another set of three parallel lines is
✔ 6
✕ 9
✕ 12
✕ 18
✕ None of these
২২. Bus fare recently was increased form Taka 0.85 to Taka 1.00 what was the approximate percentage of increase?
✕ 18%
✕ 15%
✕ 15%
✔ 18%
✕ None of these
২৩. The next number in the sequence , 3, 6 m 11, 18, 27, …. is
✕ 34
✕ 36
✔ 38
✕ 40
✕ None of these
২৪. A shopkeeper buys a box of candles for Tk. 18.00 If he wants to make a profit of 45% , how much should he resell them for?
✕ Tk. 28.10
✕ Tk. 29.90
✕ Tk. 25.90
✔ Tk. 26.10
✕ None of these
২৫. what is the H. C.F of the numbers 36 , 54 and 90?
✕ 6
✕ 9
✕ 12
✔ 18
✕ None of these
২৬. The area of circle A is 6.25 sq. in. If radius of the circle is doubled, what is the new area of circle A in sq. in?
✕ 5 pi
✕ 12.5 pi
✔ 25 pi
✕ 39.0625 pi
✕ 156.25 pi
২৭. If 10 % of x is equal to 25% of y, and y =16 what is the value of x?
✕ 4
✕ 6.4
✕ 24
✔ 40
✕ 64
২৮. Every 3 minutes , 4 liters of water are poured into a 2,000 litre tank . After 2 hours, what percent of the tank is full?
✕ 0.4%
✕ 4%
✔ 8%
✕ 12%
✕ 16%
২৯. A shopkeeper buys a box of candles for Tk. 18.00 If he wants to make a profit of 45% , how much should he resell them for?
✕ Tk. 28.10
✕ Tk. 29.90
✕ Tk. 25.90
✔ Tk. 26.10
✕ None of these
৩০. what is the H. C.F of the numbers 36 , 54 and 90?
✕ 6
✕ 9
✕ 12
✔ 18
✕ None of these
৩১. The area of circle A is 6.25 sq. in. If radius of the circle is doubled, what is the new area of circle A in sq. in?
✕ 5 pi
✕ 12.5 pi
✔ 25 pi
✕ 39.0625 pi
✕ 156.25 pi
৩২. If 10 % of x is equal to 25% of y, and y =16 what is the value of x?
✕ 4
✕ 6.4
✕ 24
✔ 40
✕ 64
৩৩. Every 3 minutes , 4 liters of water are poured into a 2,000 litre tank . After 2 hours, what percent of the tank is full?
✕ 0.4%
✕ 4%
✔ 8%
✕ 12%
✕ 16%
সাধারণ জ্ঞান অংশ
১. what is the Duration of the 6th Five-year plan ?
✔ 2011-2015
✕ 2012-2017
✕ 2010-2015
✕ 2013-2018
✕ None of these
২. The country which gives Bangladesh the maximum amount of loan is–
✕ South Korea
✔ Japan
✕ Saudi Arabia
✕ None of these
৩. The number of public universities in Bangladesh is-
✕ 14
✕ 24
✔ 34
✕ 50
✕ None of these
৪. which bank in USA recently paid the highest amount of penalty under money laundering law?
✕ CitiBank Na
✕ JP Morgan Chase
✕ Standard Chartered
✕ None of these
৫. what is the regularity agency for non -bank financial institution in Bangladesh ?
✕ Ministry of Finance
✔ Bangladesh Bank
✕ None of these
৬. what do you understand by the term ‘call money’?
✔ inter -ban short term borrowing and lending
✕ borrowing from central bank
✕ lending by commercial banks to insurance companies
✕ lending by leaning companies to industrial sector
✕ none of them
৭. which of the following act empowers Bangladesh Bank to issue licenses to carry out banking business in Bangladesh?
✕ Bangladesh Bank Ordinance , 1972
✔ Bank Companies Act, 1991
✕ British Banking Act, 1886
✕ Bank and Financial Institution Act, 2003
✕ None of them
৮. During the Liberation war , Bangladesh was divided into— sectors.
✕ 9
✕ 10
✔ 11
✕ 13
✕ None of these
৯. who is the highest law officer in Bangladesh?
✔ Attorney General
✕ Law Secretary
✕ Chief Justice
✕ Law Minister
✕ None of these
১০. Recently Bangladesh agreed in principle to sign the TICFA with the USA. what does TICFA stand for?
✕ Trade Impact Cooperation Fact Act
✕ Trade Impact Coordination Fact Agreement
✕ Time Investment Cooperation Fram e Agreement
✔ Trade & Investment cooperation Framework Agreement
✕ None of these
১১. where is the Headquarter of the European Central Bank?
✕ London
✕ Brussels
✕ Geveva
✔ Frankfurt
✕ None of these
১২. Cyclone “Mahasen’ recently struck Bangladesh ,when did “sidr’ hit Bangladesh?
✔ 15 Nov, 2007
✕ 16 Nov , 2007
✕ 17 Nov, 2007
✕ 18 Nov , 2007
✕ None of these
১৩. which country is the major export partner (23% of total) of Bangladesh ?
✕ Germany
✕ United Kingdom
✕ France
✕ None of these
১৪. At preset how many offices of the central bank are operating country wide?
✕ 9
✔ 10
✕ 11
✕ 12
✕ None of these
১৫. Taka 10 polymer note was first introduced in Bangladesh in-
✔ 2000
✕ 2001
✕ 2002
✕ 2003
✕ none of these
১৬. which one is Not included as major functional areas of Bangladesh Bank?
✕ issuance of currency notes
✕ Acting as banker to the government
✔ Money Laundering Prevention
✕ Formulation and implementation of monetary and credit policies
✕ None of them
১৭. when was the Euro introduced to world financial markets?
✔ 1st January 1999
✕ 1st january 1995
✕ 1st January 1997
✕ 1st January 1990
✕ None of these
১৮. which ministry controls banking sector in Bangladesh?
✕ Commerce
✔ Finance
✕ Planning
✕ Industries
✕ None of these
১৯. where is the headquater of World Tourism Organization?
✔ Madrid
✕ geneva
✕ New York
✕ London
✕ None of these
২০. when you boot a computer you are-
✕ submitting a batch job
✕ Debuging a program
✔ Loading the operating system
✕ Kicking it in frustration
✕ None of these
২১. the smallest unit of information is–
✕ A byte
✔ a bit
✕ A nibble
✕ A block
✕ None of these
২২. An electrical pathway within a computer is called-
✕ Buffer
✕ Sector
✕ Track
✔ Bus
✕ None of thesew
২৩. what natural element is the primary ingredient in computer chips?
✔ Silicon
✕ Carbon
✕ Iron
✕ Uranium
✕ None of them
২৪. The type of data storage that is considered to be non – volatile is?
✕ None of these
২৫. A— is a pointing device.
✕ Monitor
✔ Mouse
✕ Keyboard
✕ None of these