বিভিন্ন মন্ত্রণালয় এর সহকারী প্রোগ্রামার পদে অ্যাপটিটিউড টেস্ট পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন (পরীক্ষার তারিখঃ ২৬/১০/২০১৭)
Aptitude test Question of Assistant Programmer at Multiple Ministry 2017
[ad id=’5486′]
Exam Date: 26/10/2017
Post: Assistant Programmer, Multiple Ministry
TIME: 1 Hour
[ad id=’5488′]
Ques 1: Write a c program to show prime number starting from 19 to 10 consecutive number without
using built-in function.(marks-20).
Ques 2: Write a c program to reverse a string without using library function(I mean without using strrev
function). Ex: Afganistan(marks-10).
Ques 3: Write a c program to show half inverted pyramid using star(*).(marks-20).
[ad id=’5490′]
Ques 4: (marks-25)
a) mysql connection,create table,create DB using php and mysql.
b) Insert data into database.
c) I can’t remind the third task and I think it was quite difficult.
[**They will provide you the DB name and table info.]
Ques 5: (marks-25)
a) Design a form including the info(name,idno,designation,data of birth) and insert data into DB
through this form.(DB name will be user_info and table will be user_records and u have to
create DB and table using mysql query not manually).
[ad id=’5492′]